2025 Yass Show
The 2025 Yass Show will be held as a one-day Show on Saturday 15th March 2025. Tickets will be available online.
Entries at the show will need to be done at the various pavilions and at specific times. Please make sure you check the schedule for the section in the below table, to find out the details. Entries will be available for collection on Sunday, 16th March, again at specific times.
The 2025 Yass Show which will feature popular events and attractions including the antique farm machinery, shearing, woodchopping, vintage and veteran cars, show jumping and all the horse and livestock events you would expect to see at a truly agricultural show. Entertainment will include magician and a farmyard nursery. You will also be able to bring you pets for the Pet Competition and see the beautiful dogs of the Yass Dog Show.
There will again be dedicated kids activities, so keep an eye out for more information in the lead up to the Show!
Competition Entry Information
Download General and Livestock entry forms.
A Multi-purpose Waiver is available for all sections, which MUST be completed by all entrants for sections other than Pavilion sections
(NB. horses have the ability to complete the waiver when using the online entry system)
Horse Section - Mandatory online registration, through the Nominate portal, will be required for all ring events undertaken in the Main Arena and Dressage Arenas. Nominate registrations will close five days prior to the commencement of the Yass Show (10th March 2025) and it will not be possible to register after this date. The online waiver must be completed as part of your registration on Nominate.
Stable booking information can be found on the Horse schedule page.
Section Schedules
Photography - not being held in 2025
The President and Committees of the Yass Show Society would like to encourage everybody in our community to participate in our Show, either as an exhibitor, competitor or as a spectator. The Showground does not have paved roads or footpaths, and therefore surfaces may be uneven and gravelled. If you have mobility issues, please consider this when planning your attendance at the Show.
The Yass Show will be a one-day only event, open to the public from 8am to 5pm on Saturday 15 March 2025. We are using online ticketing to minimise face-to-face contact at the gate.
Competing in Pavilion and Livestock classes
The Yass Show Society welcomes entries from all exhibitors. In order to make the Show as COVID safe as possible, our entry system enables us to manage physical distancing, queues and crowds during the week leading up to the Show.
So that we can keep our community safe, delivery of entries in the Pavilion classes will be at designated times during the week preceding the show and entries for Livestock classes will be accepted both online and on the day. This is necessary to enable our volunteers to manage the numbers of people in the Pavilions, so that we can help keep our community safe.
Do not enter the Showgrounds if you are feeling unwell or have cold or flu like symptoms. If you are feeling unwell, you should isolate yourself from others and get a COVID Test.
Please practice safe physical distancing and use the provided hand sanitiser frequently.
It is important that you refer to the special regulations for your chosen classes to determine when you must lodge your entry forms, bring your entries to the Showground, where you must go to enter your exhibits, and also when you may collect your exhibits on Sunday 16 March 2025. Pavilion entries will only be accepted during the time periods set out for each Section. The Show Office in the week leading up to the Show is physically closed to exhibitors. You may telephone or email the Office if you have any queries. No entries will be taken at the Office and no entries are to be left at the Office or under the Grandstand.
The gates will be open from 6am on Saturday 15 March 2025 for Livestock, Horse and Dog exhibitors. We ask, in the interests of the safety of the general public, that any livestock exhibitors arriving after 8am use the “back gate” to the Showgrounds, which is located on O’Connell Road. All exhibitors and competitors must purchase a gate entry ticket using the online ticketing system.