
Yass Pastoral & Agricultural Association/Yass Show Society Inc
1863 - First Yass Show held in March, Mr Henry O'Brien first President, first showground was on land bounded by
Comur St, Polding St, Church St & Browne Street – now the site of Woolworths, Firth Furnishings, Thunderbird
Motel and Luff Motors.
1869 - Show held on land now occupied by Linton Hostel & Village.
1876 - Show being held on land where O'Connor Park is today.
1878 - Shearing competition held at show. Grant money of £5000 made available throughout the colony - Yass
receives £68.
1882 - Gate charges: Adults 1 shilling, children 6 pence, 6 pence per wheel for vehicles!
1888 - Show held on land, gifted by Mr J Hume, near the town railway and where the Bowling Club is today.
1898 - Annual Meeting cancelled because no audit had been carried out.
1901 - 50 acres purchased for £600 from Mr E McReynolds. £200 paid with £400 balance to be paid over 5 years -
interest 5%. Mr J Hume's land is restored to him.
1902 - Wagga Wagga architect appointed to draw plans for 8 sided or octagonal 'Hall & Meeting Room'. Work
commences on 7th March 1902. Cost £298. Building completed for 1902 show in September - first show at
Grand Junction Road.
1903 - Pine trees planted by Secretary, Mr Will Thompson.
1904 - Kurrajong trees planted.
1907 - The show schedules printed on calico sheets & presented in book form.
1910 - Pine trees between Round Pavilion & entrance gate planted & named Harvey Avenue after past President,
Mr R Harvey.
1917 - Show held on a Wednesday & Thursday in September
1921 - A competitor asked to apologise for telling a judge, "he didn't know a horse from a cow".
1925 - Camp draft & trotting held at show.
1927 - Water laid on to showground. Woodchop introduced to show.
1929 - Loud speakers introduced for announcing events & supplying musical program.
1930 - Council refuse to water grounds & tracks unless P & A Association pay £2 per day for truck & driver, or 10
shillings per day for a dray.
1931 - Calls for Yass Show to be abandoned. After several articles in 'The Yass Courier' paper by editor Bert Mudge
Snr., interest is rekindled.
1935 - Sydney Press report Yass Show for first time. Toilets to be up-graded as they are 'a bloody disgrace'.
1936 - Thomas Glover & Alex Pateman show champion Clydesdales.
1937 - Roy Glover, one of the youngest ever Presidents of an agricultural show in N.S.W., states that the 'show is the
mirror of the district' & appeals for more community support.
1946 - Mrs Norma Hallam (nee Abbey) first woman elected to show committee.
1948 - Rodeo or Bushman's Carnival held, 2000 people attend, profit £260.
1954 - Mr Bill Castle-Roche donates Caretaker's Cottage to Yass Pastoral & Agricultural Association. Cost of
construction - £1554.
1955 - Mr David Bullman appointed Caretaker. Mr Clive Taylor, Secretary granted permission to write series of articles
for 'Tribune' - "Our Show".
1958 - Mr David Bullman becomes Caretaker/Secretary of Yass Pastoral & Agricultural Association.
1959 - New Poultry pavilion opens with 479 entries. Building costs - £354.
1961 - New kitchen added to Grandstand.
1963 - Centenary Show. New sheep pavilions opened by Mayor Terry Walker. Sir Walter Merriman donates money for
all internal pens + £2000 cash. Memorial Gates in memory of Mrs Lillian Hodgkinson, dedicated by Mayor Terry
Walker & officially opened by Mr Tom Stonham & Sir Walter Merriman.
1966 - Block of septic toilets & showers built in horse marshalling area.
1970 - Yass Boys Club & Schools Carnival Committee help level areas below Poultry pavilion. Mr Joe Bush donates
much time & machinery for this project.
1971 - Broadcasting & Ring Office built.
1972 - Floor in 'Round House' pavilion is concreted.
1973 - N.S.W. Pony Club Association hold Annual Championships at Yass Showground. Mrs Jean Kelly acts as
1974 - Electricity is connected to stables, bar & sheep pavilions.
1975 - Show held on Saturday & Sunday for first time, instead of Friday & Saturday. Grant & loan money become
available from Lands Department to enable further improvements to facilities.
1976 - Shearing competition commences under leadership of George Johnson & Bruce Turton.
1978 - More electrical work carried out - outlets for caravans & camp sites.
1981 - Concrete water tank erected at front entrance gate.
1983 - Concrete besser block stables built. Yass Shire Council asked to take over 'trusteeship' of showground.
1984 - Sports Stadium is located at Showground. Sand Rodeo arena decided on. 90 acres at Cooma Cottage is leased
& 240 sheep purchased, providing income for Yass Pastoral & Agricultural Association.
1987 - Major renovations to Grandstand lunch room & Secretary's Office. "Leo Buckmaster Rodeo Arena" officially
opened & first night Rodeo held on Saturday of show.
1988 - Improvements made to shelving at 'Round House' pavilion. Purchase of computer & donation of photocopier for
the office. Steel horse yards built. Showground toilets connected to town sewage line.
1989 -'Bruce Merriman' pavilion for agricultural exhibits, officially opened.
1989 - Water bore is drilled. Incorporation of Yass Pastoral & Agricultural Association - now the Yass Show Society Inc.
1991 - Pump & water lines installed from bore. Galvanised pipe railing erected around main arena replacing timber
railing. Sheep yards built at Cooma Cottage.
1992 - Wine Show held under stewardship of Richard Paton. Sheep counting competition held. First Animal Nursery is
established. Major sponsorship by DL Lawrence & Co for Woodchop. B & S Ball held at Showground for first
1993 - Four year Wether Trial established. Further up-grade of shearing facilities - D.J. Payne Pavilion.
1994 - Shire Bush Fire Brigades hold display & competition. Drill Hall re-located to Showground.
1995 - Further 2 acres of land on eastern boundary of showground are purchased for $25,000 - huge contrast to
original purchase of land in 1901.
1998 - Rodeo Committee fund covered tiered seating for Rodeo sand arena & steel horse yards. New loading ramp &
two steel yards built at eastern end of Rodeo arena. Second Wether Trial commenced.
1999 - Old cattle stalls near Woodchop area demolished. Ovine Johnes Disease having devastating effect on Merino
Sheep industry & district studs. Sheep sections of show decimated.
2000 - New stock loading ramp, steel yards and race built with access to O'Connell Road - funded by Rodeo
2001 - Old timber yards replaced with steel yards at Rodeo arena. Cladding completed at Caretaker's Cottage. Third
Wether Trial commenced.