
Yass Show Society Incorporated
The Yass Show Society Inc is an incorporated association run by volunteers. Unlike many country showgrounds, the Society owns the Yass Showground and its volunteers carry out all the maintenance on the grounds.
The Committee of the Yass Show Society is comprised of up to 50 people, primarily Chief Stewards and others directly involved in the running of the annual Yass Show. The Executive Committee is then an additional 10 people, including the President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Senior Vice President and five Vice Presidents.
The Yass Show Society generates the majority of its income from its annual membership and the takings during the annual Show. The Society applies for government grants where possible, many times unsuccessfully, however it does not receive any other form of regular government assistance.
Without the support of the local Yass community, through membership and sponsorship, the Society would not be able to plan and undertake regular maintenance and improvement projects throughout the rest of the year.
To supplement the Show income, the Yass Show Society hires out the grounds and stables to various sporting, charity and community based events, as well as circuses and horse carrying businesses. The Society is grateful for the support of the Yass Pony Club who have their home the Yass Showground.
The ongoing use and upkeep of the Yass Showground by the volunteers of the Yass community means that the history and heritage of agricultural showing in Yass will continue for generations to come.