
2016 Yass Show
25 & 26 March 2017
The 2017 Show will once again feature popular events and attractions including the antique farm machinery, shearing competition, yard dogs, woodchopping, vintage and veteran cars, show jumping and all the horse and livestock events you would expect to see at a truly agricultural show.
Entertainment will include our annual PBR Bullride, magician and baby/small animals. You will also be able to bring you pets for the Pet Competition and see the beautiful dogs of the Yass Dog Show.
Click button for Show Schedules and downloads
Click button for information on Commercial sites now available for booking
Click button for information about the Gourmet Gallop sites now available for booking
Major Sponsors
We would like to thank all our sponsors for the 2016 Show, and in particular our major sponsors. Without this sponsorship, it would be difficult to hold an event with ribbons, prizemoney and fabulous entertainment for all.

Livestock Section
Horse Section